Toll road to Prestholtseter

Toll road to Prestholtseter

Drive towards Oslo from the Geilo centrum. After about 1km take to the left of the main road 7 towards Havsdalen. You will now drive under the railway. Follow this road up (road is called Nye Havsdalsveien). Take to the right by the sign to Prestholtstien/Halllingskarvet National park.

Road turns into gravel road and here is the toll station. The payment of using this private road is 40 nok and you can pay by cash. Take exact money with you. There is no change. If you have norwegian phone number you can also pay by Vipps.

This is a private road on the mountains and it takes a lot of effort to keep it driveable. This is the reason why there is a fee for using the road.

Obs! This road is only driveable, when it is snow free. Most likely from the start of July to end of September. All depending on the weather at the mountains. No winter driving.