Prestholt Geitost
Prestholt Geitost
Prestholt Geitost

Prestholt Geitost

Prestholt Goat cheese and Hol Ysteri make brown and white goat cheese and other products such as beef and saliva.

Prestholt Geitost at Prestholt is 1242 meters above sea level. as one of the highest lying stools in Norway, at the foot of Hallingskarvet, partly into Hallingskarvet National Park. Prestholt Geitost has been producing real brown goat cheese at Prestholt since 1990.

Prestholt Geitost started its independent production in 1980, in 1990 the family company started the brown cheese production in its newly purchased stool at Prestholt, today they have built and expanded their production with beef, goat's sausage, goat's cheese and confectionery on the homestead of Rudningen in Hol.

They are members and active in the farmer's market Oslo and Drammen. There are now 3rd generation goat cheese oysters that run farm, mare and production with the help of the 4th generation.

Read more about Ostebygda here.