HTR Elektro

HTR Elektro AS

HTR-Elektro AS is a Electro company located in Geilo and Dagali. HTR-Elektro focuses on delivering quality products and providing good service.

At HTR-Elektro works professionals with good competence and versatile experience in the electrical industry. HTR-Elektro AS was established in 1998, and has offices and warehouses in Dagali and Geilo. Delivering quality products and providing good service is important for the HTR-Elektro. They provides service to private people and companies.

They can offer electrical services in: Cabin and residential installations, installations in private and commercial buildings, PLC systems, EIB systems, cable network telecommunications / data, alarm systems, power plant reports, internal control, troubleshooting and repairs of electrical installations and equipment and automation system, and much more. See the website of the company for more information.