Havsdalstein (big stone in Havsdalen)

Havsdalstein (big stone in Havsdalen)

Havsdalen is very nice mountain area for outdoor activities both summer and winter. De big stone is called ''Havsdalssteinen'' the Havsdals stone.

You can get to this stone summer time by walking on a trail from Havsdalen towards Vestreim. In wintertime it is possible to get here by snowshoes or mountain skies (fjellski in Norwegian).

A nick name for Havsdalssteinen is ''madame Sørensen''. She was a household girl in the famous Dr. Holm hotel, and she took with her male guests to enjoy the view from the stone and other natural thing. The stone was big enough to hide behind.

The ''varde'' as it is called in Norwegian is build in 1912 of to local menn, they needed to use a rope to get the stones on top of the big one.

Source: Havsdalen Der fortid, nåtid og fremtid møtes from Ulf Kløve.