Geilo Jeger- og Fiskeforening
Geilo Jeger- og Fiskeforening
Geilo Jeger- og Fiskeforening

Geilo Jeger- og Fiskeforening

Geilo Jeger- og Fiskerforening was founded in 1952 and is located in Hol municipality at the foot of Hardangervidda. If you take the Bergen Railway between Oslo and Bergen is Geilo halfway.

Geilo offers a varied terrain, excellent fishing. It is mainly trout are fished for, but Ustedalsfjorden, Bergmulsfjord, Nygardsvatnet and Sløddfjorden also has a population of arctic char and whitefish. Minnows have made inroads in some of the lakes, and being fished every summer with traps in the waters at Kikut and Skjerja to keep it at bay. The association is closed which means that only residents and cottage owners and their spouses, partners and children can become members. As a member you benefit from cheaper fishing license and cabin rentals as well as the benefits Norwegian Association of Hunters and Anglers can offer. All is however welcome to purchase a fishing license.

Geilo JFF provides 34 lakes for fishing. The size of the fish varies from 100 grams to 1000 grams, but occationaly there are caught fish from 1-3kg.

From the ice melts and until September 30th you can fish. Be aware that lakes located at a high altitude can be icy until mid july. Ustedalsfjorden, Bergmulsfjord, Nygardsvatnet and Sløddfjorden also offers ice-fishing in the winter when the ice is safe.

Ice fishing is free of charge

Prices fishing license: day-licence 70 NoK, week: 300 NoK, season: 600 NoK.
Prices for season fishing lisens for member is 300 NoK.
All prices are from summer 2022.