Eventyrbadet Vestlia Resort
On December 19th, 2014, we opened the doors to our new swimming attraction – "The Bath of Fairy tales" We have painted grand motives like "Nøkken", "Huldra disappeared" and "The boy on the white horse", originally painted by Theodor Kittelsen (1857 – 1914), one of Norway's best known illustrators of fairy tales, on the walls in the pool area. Kittelsen painted may of his best paintings i his studio at Prestfoss, Lauvlia.
PRICELIST* weekdays and weekends
Prices weekdays – from Sunday 2 pm to Friday 2 pm
Entrance adults NOK 150,-
Entrance children NOK 100,-
Prices weekends – from Friday 2 pm to Sunday 2 pm and during all holidays and high season.
Entrance adults NOK 200,-
Entrance children NOK 150,-
Guests staying overnight in Vestlia Resort have free admittance.
* Check with the Vestlia Resort to hear about the availability. Prices can be changes in the meanwhile.