Circle K Geilo
Cirkle K Geilo gaststation
Circle K Geilo
Circle K Geilo

Circle K Geilo

Circel K gas station on Rv7. Here you find gas to your car, food and drinks for the cartrip

There is a cozy cafe to sit down and take a break from driving. You an order food, you can buy snacks and iccreams. Do you need ecuipment for your car like oil, water, maps or icescraper, Cirke K Geilo can help you out.
It is short distanse to the lake, to take lovely pictures of the culture curch and breath the fresh mountain air.

Cirkle K Geilo has electical chargers for you car (CCS/Combo 4 pieces and CHAdeMO 1piece)and truck diesel. Do you need help with the charging please contact VIRTA Charging station +47 22962400.

Do you want to wash your car? Of course that is possible as well!